
Back when I started working in the marketing industry If you are applying for Canadian citizenship as a minor (under the age of 18 years), then you will fall under 1 of the following 2 classes of minor applicants for citizenship, with slightly different procedures for applying and with a slightly different application form as shown in the following table:

Class of applicantMinor has a Canadian parent or a parent who is applying for citizenship at the same timeMinor does not have a Canadian parent nor has a parent who is applying for citizenship at the same time
Application Form to useCitizenship Application form 5(2)Citizenship Application form 5(1) minor
Applicant is a Permanent ResidentYesYes
Applicant meets language and knowledge requirements for citizenshipNoNo
Applicant has been physically present in Canada in 3 of the last 5 yearsNoYes
Applicant has filed income taxNoYes – if required by CSA
Applicant required to take oath of citizenshipYes – if 14 years or olderYes – if 14 years or older
Signature required on application formYes – Parent or guardian or person having custody must sign. Applicant must sign if 14 years or olderYes – Person having custody or empowered to act on behalf of minor must sign. This requirement can be waived. Applicants must sign if 14 years or older


Guide for the Citizenship Application – Minors Form 5(1):

For Form 5(2) see below.



This form is for applicants who:

  • Are minors under the age of 18 years
  • Are permanent residents (landed immigrants) of Canada
  • Have met the citizenship requirements
  • Have met the physical presence requirements (see below)
  • Do NOT have a Canadian parent OR
  • Are NOT applying at the same time as their parent or who wish to apply on their own.

Please note that the following people born in Canada are NOT considered Canadian citizens:

  • Those born to a foreign diplomat
  • Those born to a representative or employee of a foreign government
  • Those born to an employee of a foreign diplomat/representative/employee
  • Those born to a representative/employee of a specialized agency of the UN or any international organization granted diplomatic privileges or immunity.

Please note as well that an applicant must:

  • Have filed income taxes for the last 3 years, if they are required to file by CSA
  • Be willing and able to take the Oath of Citizenship if they are 14 years or older
  • Continue to be eligible to apply under Canada’s Citizenship Act
  • Not be under any removal orders
  • Not have any unfulfilled conditions under their immigration status.

The following people can submit an application on behalf of a minor:

  • A biological parent with legal custody of the minor
  • An adoptive parent with legal custody of the minor
  • A person/agency with court documents confirming custody
  • A person/agency with an order of permanent guardianship
  • A step-parent or Grandparent does must have legal custody or have legally adopted the minor to be able to act as parent on their behalf
  • If a guardian or person with custody is not available, the minor should check boxes in Sections 1B and 12 of the application form to indicate this fact. The authorities will then consider whether to grant a waiver for the condition that a person apply on behalf of the minor.


Physical presence requirements

You must have spent at least 1095 days in Canada during the 5 years immediately preceding the date of their citizenship application. Go here to calculate your physical presence in Canada online, thereby avoiding mistakes by doing it offline on your own.


Required Documents

  • Photocopies of biographical pages of all passports and travel documents:
    • Any discrepancies or missing information or documents should be explained in Questions 7D and 7E on the application form.
  • Photocopies of 2 pieces of personal ID such as:
    • Provincial/Federal/Territorial government ID card
    • Social Services Card
    • Canadian Driver’s Licence
    • Canadian Health Insurance Card
    • School ID Card
    • DO NOT use Social Insurance Number (SIN) Cards, NOR bank Debit or Credit Cards
  • Fee payment receipt (see below)
  • Any additional supporting documents, translated into English or French by a certified translator
  • A printout of your online Physical Presence Calculator results. It must be fully competed and dated and signed. If you have trouble with the online Physical Presence Calculator, you may submit form CIT 0407: How to Calculate Physical Presence
  • If you answer “Yes” to any part of Question 7K on the application form, you should submit a form CIT 0177: Residence Outside Canada. These days spent outside Canada may count towards your physical presence in Canada if you meet the conditions of question 7K. The form should be filled out completely and dated and signed.
  • For each country the applicant has stayed in for more than 183 days since the age of 14 years, a police certificate (police check) must be submitted. If you are unable to obtain one, please indicate on Question 7L on the application form.
  • Use of a Representative form IMM 5476 if applicable
  • If you have legally changed your name within Canada, you must submit a document showing this name change with both the old and new name shown. Acceptable documents include:
    • Legal change of name document issued by provincial/territorial government in Canada or by a foreign government agency/authority
    • Court order specifying a name change
    • Adoption Order
  • The following documents are only acceptable for a change of Last Name within Canada:
    • Marriage certificate
    • Divorce decree
    • Registration/declaration of union by civil authorities
    • Revocation of declaration or annulment of union by civil authorities
    • Registration of Common-law relationship, in provinces allowing name change in a common-law relationship
  • If you have legally changed your name outside Canada and are residing in Canada, then copies of the following documents are acceptable:
    • Foreign passport or other foreign national document amended to reflect new name
    • Foreign marriage certificate or other foreign document linking old name to new name
    • Foreign photo ID that shows new name
  • If you have legally changed your name outside Canada and are residing outside of Canada, then copies of the following documents are acceptable:
    • Foreign passport or other foreign national document amended to reflect new name
    • Foreign marriage certificate or other foreign document linking old name to new name
    • A photo ID issued by the National/Provincial/State government in the territory you reside in that shows the new name
  • If you have legally changed your date of birth, due to an error in your documentation then you must submit one of the following forms, depending on your specific situation:
    • Request to Amend Immigration Record of Landing form IMM 1000
    • Confirmation of Permanent Residence form IMM 5292 or IMM 5688 along with your new corrected Permanent Resident Card
    • Provincial/Territorial court order changing date of birth along with Request to Correct a Date of Birth for Citizenship (CIT 0464)
  • You must provide 2 identical photographs with the following specifications:
    • Taken by a professional photographer with the name of the studio and the address, as well as the date the photographs were taken on the back of the photograph
    • The name of the applicant printed on the back
    • Taken within last 6 months either in Black and White or in Colour
    • Taken against a plain white or light background
    • You must not wear sunglasses and prescription eyeglasses must not cover your eyes
    • You must have a neutral expression
    • The dimensions of your face and the photograph itself and additional instructions are given here. You should print out the page and bring it to your photographer to ensure your citizenship photographs comply with the specifications.


Payment of Fees

Fees for processing a minor citizenship application have been reduced to CAD$100. You must pay your fees online. You will need:

  • a valid Canadian Debit Card, or a valid Credit Card
  • a valid email address
  • access to a printer to print your receipt after you have paid online

Go here for the details of how to pay your fees online. Remember that your official IRCC receipt will come with a barcode page when you print the receipt. Print 2 copies: one for your records and one that you should include with your application.


Mailing In the Application

Mail the completed application with all the required forms and supporting documents to the following address:

Case Processing Centre – Sydney
P.O. Box 7000
B1P 6V6

If you send your application by courier, you should address it to the following address:

Case Processing Centre, Sydney
49 Dorchester Street
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1P 5Z2

Citizenship Application – Minors 5(2)



The requirements are very similar to the above-listed application for citizenship, minor – 5(1), with the following exceptions (as outlined in the table at the beginning):

  • Have at least one parent who is a Canadian citizen or who will become a Canadian citizen at the same time as the minor.
    • This includes a legally adoptive parent who has legally adopted the minor.
    • This does NOT include a step-parent or a person who has guardianship or legal custody who has NOT legally adopted the minor. A person with guardianship or legal custody, or a step-parent, must first legally adopt the minor before applying for citizenship for the minor (and if necessary for themselves at the same time).
  • If the minor was born outside Canada after April 17, 2009 they are a Canadian citizen by birth if the following conditions are met:
    • They were born to a Canadian parent who was born in Canada or became a Canadian citizen by immigrating to Canada and becoming a citizen (a process called naturalization).
    • They are the first generation of their family to be born abroad.
  • If you have an adopted child (legally adopted) who is under 18 and therefore a minor and a permanent resident of Canada, use this application form.
  • If you have an adopted child under 18 who is not a permanent resident of Canada, use the Adoptive Grant of Citizenship Application, which you can find out about here.
  • If you have an adopted child over 18 years old, and not eligible for a 5(1) grant of citizenship, you should also submit an Adoptive Grant of Citizenship Application. Use the link just above.
  • No physical presence requirements: you do not have to spent at least 1095 days in Canada during the 5 years immediately preceding the date of their citizenship application.


Required Documents

The documents required are similar to a Citizenship – Minor 5(1) application, with the following additional documents:

  • An adoption order or birth certificate of the adopted child, in the chase of a 5(2) application for an adopted minor. The document must show:
    • Child’s name
    • Date of birth
    • Place of birth
    • Names of parents or adoptive parents
  • Proof of parent’s Canadian citizenship, which includes the following documents:
    • Provincial/Territorial birth certificate
    • Certificate of Canadian citizenship
    • Certificate of naturalization
    • Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad
    • Certificate of Retention issued between January 1, 1977 and February 14, 1977
  • Proof of legal guardianship if a legal guardian is applying on behalf of the child.

The application process for a Citizenship Application – Minor 5 (2) is nearly identical with the same payment process outlined above, and with the rest of the required documents being the same as listed above.



What Happens After You Apply?

  1. The Case Processing Centre will send you a Letter of Acknowledgement to confirm receipt of your application. If you have provided an email address, you may receive an email acknowledging receipt of the application.
  2. If the IRCC determines that your child meets all the requirements for citizenship:
    • And your child is under 14 years old, you will receive a request for you to provide the immigration authorities your child’s original Record of Landing IMM 1000, and Permanent Resident Card. Once the IRCC receives these two documents, they will send you by mail: your child’s Citizenship Certificate and an update IMM 1000.
    • And your child is 14 or older or turns 14 during the application process, the IRCC will notify your child directly in writing of the time and place of the citizenship ceremony. They will receive:
      • A notification to appear at the citizenship ceremony
      • They will receive their Certificate of Citizenship at the ceremony
  3. Once your child becomes a citizen, they are no longer a Permanent Resident and the IRCC will destroy their Permanent Resident Card.

To update your contact information:

To check the status of your application go here.


If you need help, please contact Maxcan Immigration in Markham, Ontario. Maxcan Immigration serves the Greater Toronto Area.