How Attending a College Helps Get A Better Job In Canada
Posted on 05/10/2016
Get a college education
A college degree is a common way to secure a better career not only in Canada but globally. Not everyone joins college knowing what they want to do later in life. What is obvious is the fact that everyone wants a better job that not only pays well, but one that is both satisfying and secure. These benefits are the key reason why most people invest their time and money in college.
In most cases, it is not what you study that matters, but having studied something. Besides training you in a specific field of expertise, college equips with an analytical mind that can understand complex issues and able to communicate critical ideas about them. College equips you with the necessary skills such as organization, self-discipline and makes you a reliable individual. In simpler words, college will shape you into a professional individual.
Since college instills different skills in you, most graduates usually end up working in fields that they did not study in school. Getting a college education helps you to identify unexpected opportunities that other without the same level of education cannot see.
In the current economy, employment opportunities are fast shrinking for anyone with only a high school diploma. Most high school graduates work in low paying service industry jobs with limited opportunities for advancement. College graduates, on the other hand, have the necessary skills to land a wider range of employment in fields where advancement is guaranteed.
Job security and satisfaction
With a college degree, you stand to enjoy better job security. The lack of it would make you less valuable to your employer. When the time comes for change, it will be quite easy for the employer to replace you with a college graduate with the necessary skills.
Educated staff is so crucial for some companies that they would rather pay for the employees’ education. This explains just how important the college degree is in the job market. It is viewed as an investment that is not only beneficial to the employer but also to the company.
According to data collected during the just concluded economic recession, college graduates were less likely to be laid off. Employees with high school diplomas were hit the hardest by the job cuts. With a college degree, you are unlikely to struggle with long-term unemployment.
College graduates are more likely to enjoy their job. Considering the factors discussed above which can be summarized as better pay, advancement opportunities and employment benefits, you will without a doubt enjoy a better job satisfaction. In addition, a college degree gives you the freedom to choose a career you are interested in and that inspires you.
If you need a study permit to study in Canada, so that you can get that Canadian job offer, contact Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant Mary Zhang at Max Can’s office in Markham, Canada.
Posted in Tips and tagged College, Job Offer, Study Permit, University