Canadian government new rules on undeclared dependents and abuse sufferers
Posted on 10/09/2019
What would your answers be to the following three questions? Are you a newcomer to Canada who is experiencing abuse at your workplace? Perhaps because …

Changes for Cubans Coming to Canada
Posted on 08/08/2019
If you are a Cuban or a resident of Cuba, the Canadian embassy in Havana has reduced the services available. This has occurred because of …
Travelling during an Inland Sponsorship Application
Posted on 17/05/2019
Are you considering applying for a spousal sponsorship? If the spouse who is a foreign national is: living with you in Canada, AND will have …
Spousal Open Work Permit
Posted on 14/08/2018
You have applied to sponsor your spouse’s application for Permanent Residence in Canada. But while you are waiting for the application to be processed, can …